Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15-Day Picture Challenge: Day Eight

"A picture of your biggest insecurity."

I was going to talk about my nose because that is my biggest insecurity right now. I freaking hate my nose. It's flat and it points downward. Whenever I see pictures of the side of my face, I always think my nose sucks. My husband thinks I have a cute nose but whatever, I hate it but I guess I have to just keep living with it.

Okay, enough about my nose. Let's talk about my old biggest insecurity and it used to be my weight.

Yup, I'm not insecure about my weight anymore. Here's a story: I used to be kind of obsessed with it but one day, I decided I'm going to stop caring about the stupid numbers. When I was in the Army, I used to step on the stupid scale every day, measured myself with a tailor's measuring tape and check this stupid chart to see if I'm still within the bracket of what the Army calls "a healthy weight". Can you believe my max weight was supposed to be 113 lbs at 24 years old? I was fluctuating between 113-115 lbs at that age. There was no freaking way that was going to work for me! A little bit of muscle weight gained and I would have been considered "fat" according to the Army's standards. Overall, it was effing exhausting, stressful and insane.

You know what, I think as long as I'm not constantly eating junk food, fast food or any type of crap that's bad for me, I have no reason to worry about my weight. I do loooooove junk food but trust me, I have self-control (too much of one thing makes me sick too). I think as long as I stay active and not sit on the couch and eat pizza all day, I should be fine. I think that as long as I feel good in my clothes and my clothes fit me well, I should be fine. I am going to be fine, dammit.

I'm so sick and tired of trying really hard to stay size 2/4. I am happy with being a size 8/10.

I'm just going to love the way I am. Seriously, you should do the same. It helped me keep my sanity and feel soooooo much better about myself.

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